Summer bought me this bag for my birthday a year ago. I wanted to wait at least a year before posting about it so I could give a more accurate review. I use it 6 days a week at least. I've taken it camping, floating, to work every day... I've carried music gear, food, clothes, tools and more in it. I don't take it easy on it. I've beaten it up, thrown it on rocks & dirt, dropped it in water, strapped it to my motorcycle, spilled coffee on it, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Yet, it has held up beautifully. I decided a year in was a good time to show it some love and condition the leather. Rubbed it with some mink oil and let it dry in front of the fire. I'm really impressed with the quality and durability. If you want a bag that'll last longer than you, check out @marlondoleather. Full grain leather bags sourced from the U.S. aren't cheap. Google around for some and you'll see what I mean. But Marlondo's products are priced surprisingly well. They're made with marine-grade thread and nickel platted brass. Customer service is amazing. Loved dealing directly with Tim (the owner). I suspect this bag will outlive me and go to my kids. Things just aren't made like that anymore. #buyitniceorbuyittwice #marlondoleather #fullgrainleather #leatherbag #messengerbag #builttolast #betterwithage
A photo posted by Caleb Baker (@caleb_baker) on